Prof. Dr. Amer Hassan Al-Khuzaie

Prof. Dr. Amer Hassan Al-Khuzaie

Prof. Dr. Amer Hassan Al-Khuzai graduated from the College of Medicine / University of Basrah on June 17, 1980, with the fourth rank among Iraqi students. The periodic stay was in the Republican Hospital of Nasiriyah, then he joined the military service on 07/31/1981

• He joined the apprenticeship service on May 23, 1983 as seconded from the military. Then he joined the old residency in Traumatology and Orthopedics 14-6-1984

• Joined the study of the Arab Board of General Surgery on 11/14/1984. Obtained a diploma in specialization in surgery in 1990 from the University of Kufa

• He participated in the Shaaban uprising in 1991 and immigrated to Iran. He worked as a teacher at the Islamic University / College of Medicine in Qom

• Obtained the Arab Board Certificate in 1996 from Damascus. He returned to Iraq as a teacher at Basrah University in 4-2003

• Appointed as a member of the Basrah Governorate Constituent Council, and on November 29, 2003, he was appointed technical undersecretary of the Ministry of Health. In 2008, he was the Senior Undersecretary of the Ministry of Health

• Vice-President of the Arab Council for Medical Specialties for 7 years, then became Vice-President of the Cancer Council for 7 years.

• He was elected as a member of the Iraqi Council of Representatives on 1-6-2010, then was appointed Minister of National Reconciliation.

• In the year 14/2/2011, the head of the Martyrs Foundation was appointed as an agency, after which he became an advisor to the Prime Minister for national reconciliation affairs. 8/ 2011 Then he was elected as a deputy in the Iraqi Council of Representatives in 2014.

• Received the rank of assistant professor on February 24, 2011

• Member of the National Reconciliation Committee. 2014-2018 Then he was reappointed as a professor in the department of surgery after the end of the course, he received the rank of professor in 2017

• Teaching professor at the College of Medicine - University of Basrah 2018-2021 after which he was referred to retirement