The dean of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Basrah, conducts an inspection tour of the corridors of the college

The Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Basra, Prof. Dr. Murtadha Mohammed Saleh Al-Musafer, on Sunday, October 9, 2022, toured the corridors of the college. The tour included visiting the Documents and Registration Unit to follow up on students' affairs and the needs of employees, while helping them complete the registration requirements to receive new students for the new academic year. Where he directed the employees to work and join forces to raise the name of the college. He also praised the efforts made by the employees in the college, which contributed significantly to its progress and the achievement of great achievements, urging them to continue working and in the hopes of giving more. The dean also visited the new classrooms to follow up their progress and completion rate. The dean also visited the students in the classrooms to inspect the students, find out their needs, solve the problems they face, work to overcome them, and provide comfort.