University of Basrah - College of Medicine holds a cultural festival to glorify the martyr and the values ​​of martyrdom


On Tuesday  22th. of June 2021, the University of  Basrah -  College of medicine held the cultural festival to glorify the martyr and the values ​​of martyrdom in our beloved Iraq. The festival was attended by the President of the University of Basrah; Prof Dr. Saad Shaheen Hammadi, and was under the direct supervision of the Dean of the College of Medicine; Prof. Dr. Khalil Ismail Al-Hamdi. The festival showed a great attendance of students, college members and others.The festival included many activities; started by recitation of Quran , followed by a a speech about the martyrs by the president of the university, a review of photos and a documentary film, ending  with  poems about the heroics of the  martyes  and patriotism.The aim of the festival is to remember the heroic of martyrs and know their heroic sacrifices with which they drew the real map of Iraq with their pure blood because they are the symbols of the living nation