A master's thesis at the College of Medicine, University of Basrah, discussed the study of some immunological and clinical parameters in rheumatoid arthritis patients treated with immunomodulating biological drugs. The research presented by student Enas Riad Mohsen aims to study some immunological and clinical parameters in rheumatoid arthritis patients treated with immunomodulating biological drugs. Where the body mass index, the time of symptoms, and after how many years they were diagnosed with the disease and the time taken for morning stiffness that occurs to the injured, it was also studied whether there was any history of changing the disease and no significant differences appeared between the groups. While when taking the degree of disease activity (- DAS 28) and the patients' family history, there were significant differences between the two control groups and the patient groups. In this current study, there was a correlation between the result of the disease activity degree (DAS 28) and between the period of symptoms appearing until the time of diagnosis of the disease (P=044.0) and morning stiffness (P=054.0). (P=0.034) Th17/TregFoxp3 ratio and (P=0.039) IL-17A, a correlation was also shown between TregFoxp3/Th17 ratio and each of Etanercept antibodies.