The College of Medicine, University of Basrah, holds the first assessment conference for the assessment exams for the faculties of the medical group

The Faculty of Medicine, University of Basrah, held the first evaluation conference for the examinations of the faculties of the medical group, under the slogan of reality and ambition, on Tuesday, September 20, 2022, in the presence of the President of the University of Basra, Prof. Dr. Saad Shaheen Hammadi. The conference included several topics , including the scientific topic  in which the ministry aims to encourage the college's point of view on the importance and effectiveness of these exams , the type of questions and the suitability of questions for the curriculum, student results, the college's plan to get better results and develop the performance . the statistical topic that  includes success rates. A The technical and logistical topic, which discusses the exam platform, the electronic correction device, the accuracy of the timings and electronic correspondence, the confidentiality of questions, the methods of electronic correction, and their compatibility with other colleges. The pros and cons of each topic were discussed.In addition to the axis of analysing the results to evaluate students and professors , and retirees in the whole experiment. The dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Prof. Dr. Mortada Mohammed Saleh Al-Mosafer, lectured at the conference on the ministerial evaluation exam at the Faculty of Basra Medicine for Obstances and Solutions, the Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry, Assistant Professor Dr. Fatih Al-Khaqani, on the ministerial evaluation exam at the Faculty of Dentistry Solutions and Obstances, the representative of the ministerial team, Dr. Amer Al-Amir, on digital education and the transformation in Iraqi medical education, Prof. Dr. Mazen Al-Hawaz on e-learning Obstances and solutions, Assistant Professor Dr. Salma Abdel Baqi on electronic technologies and electronic platforms, Assistant Professor Dr. Gibran Khalil Hassan from the Faculty of Pharmacy, and Assistant Professor Dr. Majid Asghar from the Faculty of Nursing.