The college of Medicine, University of Basrah, holds a training workshop on the ethics of the teaching profession


The college of Medicine, University of Basrah, under the patronage of the President of the University of Basra, Prof. Dr. Saad Shaheen Hammadi, and under the supervision of the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Prof. Dr. Murtadha Mohammed Saleh Al-Musafer, held a training workshop on (the ethics of the teaching profession) by the ministerial training committee Where the importance of studying the subject of professional ethics is reflected in promoting ethical practises, which should be reflected more positively in the methodology of teaching, scientific research, scientific supervision, in educational relations between the various components of the educational community, and the teacher's formation of positive attitudes towards the profession, as he sees his moral obligations and his awareness of the dimensions of the educational message he bears towards  individuals society As every profession in human society has ethical rules that must be observed and adhered to by the individuals affiliated with that profession, because this helps them move forward towards achieving the desired results efficiently and effectively.