The Dean of the college of Medicine, Prof. Dr. Murtadha Mohammed Saleh Al-Musafer, received a certificate of appreciation from the Oman Medical Journal issued by the Omani Council for Medical Specialisations, for the evaluation of one of the scientific research in the specialisation of urology submitted for publication in this journal. This magazine is one of the important scientific journals in the region and in the Sultanate of Oman and is classified within the containers of Scopus. It is the seventh research submitted for publication to be sent by the Oman Medical Journal to Mr. Dean to evaluate these researches and their suitability for publication in the journal.
These researches have a great and effective role in raising the academic reputation of the Iraqi surgeon, as well as to the University of Basrah and the college of Medicine, where the reviewers are selected based on their research activity and on the foundations decided by the committee for publication in this journal.