تقرير فيديوي عن الندوة العلمية (التوصيات العالمية لعلاج ارتفاع الكوليسترول)
The Internal Medicine Branch of the College of Medicine at Basra University organized a scientific symposium on global recommendations for treating high cholesterol, with the participation of researchers from the College of Medicine.
The symposium aims to discuss the issue of cholesterol and its effect on increased rates of heart disease and stroke, and how to prevent these diseases.
The symposium included two scientific lectures that discussed the importance of cholesterol treatment for heart disease and coronary arteriosclerosis, and the teaching staff at the College of Medicine, Assistant Professor Dr. Abdul Amir Abdul-Bari mentioned that high cholesterol is a common disease throughout the world and cholesterol treatment is one of the preventive treatments to avoid this disease and reduce deaths due to it and that the activity was also established. For postgraduate students, the Arab Board, and professors of the College of Medicine.
The symposium recommended following the latest global recommendations for treating high cholesterol to reduce the incidence of coronary artery disease.