The Educational Counseling Unit at the college of Medicine, University of Basrah, in the presence of the Dean of the college of Medicine, Dr. Murtadha Mohammed Saleh Al-Musafer , and the Official of the Educational Counseling and Psychiatric Care Unit, Assistant Professor Dr. Duha Khalil Ibrahim, and a number of faculty and students, and professors of educational counseling at Basrah University, held an awareness seminar on university uniforms and student discipline laws.
Where the Assistant Dean for Student Affairs, Assistant Prof. Dr. Alaa Khattar Musa, gave a lecture to educate students and to inform them about their university laws. The lecture presented by Dr. Khadija Sami Madhy also dealt with student’s etiquetteabd about the student's assignment on campus, the most important things and duties of the student, especially the students of the first stage, which are considered one of the important transitional stages in the student's life, which are completely different from the previous academic stages and because of a great impact on the student's life to start his university life correctly. After that, the symposium ended with a lecture by Dr. Abdul Salam Al-Buwai entitled Generation Z and Contemporary Challenges