A master's thesis at the college of Medicine, Basrah University, discusses the relationship between the protein procalcitonin in the blood serum with various components of metabolic syndrome and insulin resistance

A master's thesis at the college of Medicine, the University of Basrah discussed the relationship between the protein procalcitonin in the blood serum with various components of metabolic syndrome and insulin resistance. The research presented by student Ali Jassim Turki aims to measure the level of procalcitonin and determine whether normal plasma procalcitonin levels are associated with obesity, insulin resistance, and metabolic syndrome components in the general population. The research concluded that patients with Metabolic Syndrome had a significant increase in procalcitonin levels and was associated with various components of metabolic syndrome , and was also significantly associated with insulin resistance. Therefore, procalcetonin may be a new marker of lipocyte dysfunction, low-grade chronic inflammation, or both, monitoring biomarkers in the prevention and management of metabolic syndrome .