A master's thesis in the College of Medicine at Basra University examined the relationship between psoriasis and Hashimoto's thyroiditis student, Haider Ayad Yasin. The research aims to assess the prevalence of Hashimoto's thyroiditis in psoriasis patients compared with a matched group of healthy people from the same geographical area, and the researcher concluded that a significant increase in the prevalence of Hashimoto's thyroiditis was found in the form of the presence of Tg Ab, Tpo Ab, and its other relationship in the examination. Sonar, which includes echo deficiency and nodular hypervascularization in the thyroid gland in psoriasis patients compared with the healthy group. This increase was more noticeable with weight gain (obesity) and aging Therefore, the researcher recommended that the thyroid gland be evaluated through Tpo Ab examination and thyroid ultrasound in psoriasis patients, especially those with obesity and the elderly.