Preparation is going on to prepare for the first Symposium of PGR hopefully to be held in Feb 2021. The committee meets every 10 days to see the progress for submission of abstracts. Students from Many colleges participated in this PGR and till now more than 60 abstracts have been submitted. The Symposium is organized by students themselves and senior lecturers (prof dr Zeena Waheed Atwan, Dr Areej Hassan Saleem, & Huda Abdulhassan ) from University of Basrah and Dr Munther Alkadhimi from Kings College London(KCL)
Such a Symposium will give the chance For our students to receive a feedback from participants and Give them confidence how to present their project .
The committee would like to acknowledge supports from prof Dr Saad Shaheen Hammadi Al-Taher and Prof Dr.Murtadha Almusafer for helping to ease and sort if any problem could face the preparation.
We wish our students ever success.
Committee of PGR Symposium
Prof. Dr Munther Alkadhimi (kings College London)