A master's thesis at the college of Medicine, University of Basrah, discussed the Neurophysiological Assessment of Chemotherapy Induced Peripheral Neuropathy in Adult Patients with Hematological Malignancies.The research presented by student Zainab adil ali aims to Assessing the percentage of peripheral polyneuropathy in adult patients with hematological malignancies who had received chemotherapy in Basrah, as well as using NCS (nerve conduction study) and needle EMG ( electromyography ) to look for the neurophysiological changes in CIPN(chemotherapy induced peripheral neuropathy) patients. The research concluded that Chemotherapy raised the risk of polyneuropathy; pure sensory peripheral neuropathy was the most prevalent type, followed by mixed sensory motor polyneuropathy. The primary pathology was axonal degeneration. Peripheral neuropathy was more common in patients with multiple myeloma than in patients with ALL or lymphomas.