Under the patronage of the Dean of the college of medicine professor Khalil Ismail Alhamdi and in the presence of Mr. Vice dean of administrative affairs assistant professor Qais K.Baqir and the heads and rapporteurs of the scientific departments of the college and the quality assurance supervisor and some of the college teachers, and as the COVID-19 pandemic imposes the need to provide a healthy ,safe educational environment when applying blended learning , a workshop was held, entitled (Infection Prevention Program in Educational Institutions) in Alzahraa hall on Monday 26th of October 2020.
The Symposium dealt with the following topics:
1- Introduction to the prevention of COVID-19 virus infection in educational institutions / presented by Dr. Rafid Abduljabbar Mohammed (MbChB,CABS,MRCS /lecturer/department of surgery).
2-Summary of the work of infection control unit /Basrah Department of Health presented by Mr. Nameer Nassir Faris (master degree in community health)
Infection control unit /Basrah Department of Health.
3- Infection prevention program in educational institutions (College of Medicine / University of Basrah)
Presented by Mr. Abdullatif Abdulazeez Saeed (Technical diploma in community health). Infection control unit /Basrah Department of Health.
Objectives of Symposium:
1- Review of contradictory scientific opinions about how COVID-19 virus spreads.
2-Review of the acts and policies that had been taken by some countries when deciding return to school and return to campus.
3-Discussing some of up-to-date articles and researches covering the subject of COVID-19 prevention.
4-Detailed assessment of the current situation of the building of college of medicine and discussing the proposals of improvement of infection control measures.