Board's thesis at the University of Basrah - College of Medicine discussed circulating free DNA as a potential biomarker in breast cancer. The thesis presented by the student Esraa Mazen Hawaz aims to evaluate the effectiveness of free circulating DNA in the early detection of breast cancer by measuring its concentration in plasma and comparing it with the concentration of diabetic antigen 3-CA15 in serum and analyzing and linking the results together. The results of the concentration of free circulating DNA in the plasma with the results of the concentration of the glycated antigen (CAIS3) in the serum were analysed using the SPSS statistical program. A higher levels of free circulating DNA were found in the plasma of cancer patients compared with benign and healthy fibroadenoma patients, and no statistically significant difference was found for the concentration of free circulating DNA between benign and healthy fibroadenoma patients. The thesis concluded that the concentration of free circulating DNA in the plasma can constitute an important diagnostic and non-surgical value in the early detection of breast cancer.