Selection of the President of Basrah University among the best (100) Basrah ٠personalities for the year 2021


The President of Basrah University, Dr. Saad Shaheen Hammadi, was chosen within the program of the (100) best local characters for the year 2021 in Basrah through electronic voting and a field survey conducted by the Civilian Foundation for Journalism, Culture and Media and the Union of Iraqi Journalists, Basra Branch. The selection of the President of the University of Basra, Dr. Saad Shaheen Hammadi, as one of the best influential visual personalities for the year 2021, for his services to the visual community that framed all the meanings of humanity and for his active role in communicating with the people of his city and extending a helping hand to them through the university’s communication portal with the community.  It is noteworthy that Hammadi assumed the presidency of the University of Basra in 2019 and began a program of expanded openness to society by providing various services in addition to spreading a culture of cooperation in an effort to improve the reality of Basrah , the city of science, art and literature.