With the direct supervision of the Dean of the college of Medicine, University of Basra, Prof. Dr. Murtadha Mohammed Saleh Al-Musafer, four lectures about Urology were presented utilising the concept of
Student based learning ;
1. A number of students were selected to present lectures.
2. Each lecture was presented by three students - dividing the lecture into three sections.
3. A meeting was held before giving lectures to provide the students with important observations, notes and communicate with them afterwards for the purpose of preparing a valuable lectures.
4. The lectures were given in a good and interesting way.
5. College teachers helped by providing supervision of lectures and intervention to clarify some important matters.
The benefits of these lectures are:
1. Development of students' abilities
2. Training them on research
3. Insergment of topics in their minds
4. Development of presentation capabilities
5. Benefitting from students to help teachers because of the great burden resulting from increasing the number of students, where it is possible to give multiple lectures with high efficiency.