The college of Medicine / University of Basrah organised an interactive lecture for students of the first stage on how to measure the level of oxygen saturation using Pulse oximeter, where measuring the level of oxygen in the blood comes as a simple and easy non-invasive procedure to determine the level of oxygen (oxygen saturation) in the blood; and the level of oxygen in the blood should be higher than 95%.The level decreases in the case of respiratory diseases or a congenital heart defect. You can measure the percentage of oxygen in the blood through an oximeter (or also called a pulse oximeter), a sensor that is applied to a small place of the skin such as: a finger, earlobe or nose. The use of this device was common among people during the pandemic (spread of Corona disease). Where the lecture was delivered in the Medical Physics Laboratory by the student Mohammed Saad Chaloob Hillel and the student Abbas Walid and under the supervision of assistant professor Dr. Ghania Salem Ghadban.