Message of the University Council of Basra to students

My sons, dear students While we value your effort, your positions and your sacrifices throughout the first semester, through which you expressed your love and loyalty to your dear country, and you gave birth to our future hope that you are the best protectors of this country's unity and the glory and dignity of this country. The ardent and loyal people of this country were looking to it, and you had put an end to many of the phenomena rampant in the body of the state and its institutions, including corruption, favoritism, bureaucracy and abuse of public money My dear children We will open our hearts to you before our halls and turn a new page without reproach or account, and the time has come In order for all of us to perform our duty by returning to the studies and continuing the educational achievement and raising the level of experience, experience and skill you have to employ them in the paths of advancement and development that we seek for our dear country. To celebrate tomorrow in the classrooms to complete the first semester, and we will remain with you on the covenant to accomplish your reform project that restores glory, pride and honor to our Iraq and its people. May Allah  grant you success and guide your steps with  success 
 University Council January 10, 2020