Board research at the College of Medicine, University of Basrah discusses magnetic resonance estimation of iron concentration in the liver in patients

A board research study at the College of Medicine, University of Basrah discussed magnetic resonance estimation of iron concentration in the liver in patients suffering from hemoglobinopathy and its relationship to serum ferritin in Basra. The research presented by student Hoda Riyad Abdel Amir aims to show the value of the magnetic resonance relaxation measurement technique in evaluating overload.  for hepatic iron in a sample of a population with hemoglobinopathies in our hospital on frequent blood transfusion therapy in southern Iraq (Basra city).  The research concluded that MRI provides a non-invasive, accurate and reproducible method for measuring iron content in hepatic tissue.  Treatment of tissue iron excess should be improved through widespread use of this approach, allowing early intensification of treatment and monitoring of iron level and response to treatment.