PreparatoThe ry Committee of the first conference for postgraduate students at University of Basrah, under the support of the President of the University; Prof. Dr. Saad Shaheen Hammadi, and the Dean of the College of Medicine; Prof. Dr. Khalil Ismail Al-Hamdi, and a vigorous follow-up by the Assistant Dean for Scientific Affairs; Prof. Dr. Mortadha Al-Musafir, will hold a workshop entitled (What makes a good or bad in presentation) to help students in presenting the thesis during the conference.The participation by postgraduate students was effective with more than 80 thesis were received from multiple universities. The workshop will hold by Prof. Dr. Munther Al-Kadhemi from King's University in London on Friday 29th. of January 2021 at 7:00 pm Iraq time, using Zoom application:
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Password: Kadhimi
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