University of Basrah holds the first Postgraduate Research (PGR) Conference for the Biomedical Group for 3 days from 18-21 February 2021
University of Basrah has a planned strategy in developing its international scientific relation through working with foreign universities.
One of these activities is the holding of the first conference for postgraduate students of colleges of medical sciences (Faculties of Medicine, Veterinary Medicine, Science, and Pharmacy) This iminent scientific event was organized by the College of Medicine and resulted from coordination with the Kings" College London (KCL) represented by Prof. Dr. Munther Al-Kadhimi, one of the important members of the conference Preparatory Committee ..
The preparation for the conference was so enthusiastic and carried on for a period more than 3 months
The conference preparatory committee was composed of post-graduate students and representatives of professors & teachers from the College of Medicine and in coordination with the professor Munther Al-Kadhimi, the representative of Kings' College London and supervised by the chancellor of university of Basrah, Dean of college of Medicine, and the vice dean for scientific affairs.
More than 85 papers and abstracts were submitted for participation in the conference by the postgraduate students, but the scientific committee had the right to choose those which will presented in the conference, of which 21 papers were chosen as a long presentation (9 minutes presentation and 3 minutes discussions in the form of questions and answers) and 21 abstracts as a short( flash talk) and 12 as posters. Scientific discussions were conducted by the attendance and in the presence of the students. Awards were set by Professor Al-Kadhimi for the winning research that was evaluated by the Scientific Committee and this award is a free one year membership of the British Society for Immunology.
The most important recommendations are:
1- The necessity to continue to hold the conference annually and on a regular basis, similar to the KLC
2- Circulating it to the university as a whole and according to the specializations
3- Establishing a center to supervise student projects at the university.
The conference was a successful event as concluded by the testimony of the attendees and experts in this field
Deanship of the College of Medicine - University of Basrah