May Allah bless your days and protect you and your honorable families from all evil and from every epidemic and calamity.. At a time when we commend your interaction and diligence in the completion of the academic year 2020 - 2021 and dealing with the associated problems that related to the pandemic and others, In this regard, we affirm our standing with you and your support to accomplish the last step, which is taking the exam. according to the Ministerial instructions announced in advance and we emphasize your support and affirmation to continue diligence and optimal in preparation for performing exams and not to pay attention to dissonant voices and malicious websites that want to confuse your preparations and reduce your rush to achieve success and excellence. You are the nation’s pride . We rejoice when you are that knowledge. In the near future you will be heroic soldiers in our great white army. By your hands, our families and yours will be treated. We are very careful on your safety, and measures have been taken to provide an appropriate exam environment, Our University members took in consideration these great challenges during setting the exam questions. Our goal and yours is one , which is success that brings happiness to us and all of you. Your success as qualified doctors that have the ability to diagnose and treat successfully, is the medicine for the wounds of our beloved country - Iraq.
May our beloved students stay healthy, with successful progress and prosperity.
Committee of Deans of Medical Colleges