The College of Medicine at the University of Basrah received a delegation from the College of Medicine at the University of Maysan in order to learn about the college’s infrastructure and benefit from the scientific expertise enjoyed by the university professor in the College of Medicine. The delegation was received by the Dean of the College of Medicine and the Director of the Student Activities Unit.
The delegation's visit aims to strengthen relations between the University of Basrah and the University of Maysan and to exchange scientific, cultural, social and sporting experiences.
The delegation, consisting of 100 students, was distributed to the laboratories in the college, such as the clinical skills laboratory, the human anatomy laboratory, and other study halls to benefit from the lectures given to the students. After that, they went to the newly constructed sports hall and took souvenir photos in it, in addition to touring the college gardens where they took place. Newly created.
The delegation also toured other Basrah Governorate facilities, including the presidential palaces and the Natural Museum, to learn about Iraqi heritage, in addition to visiting the Shatt al-Arab Corniche.
The head of the delegation praised the great efforts and distinguished reception given to them by the Deanship of Basrah College of Medicine. A shield was presented from the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Maysan to the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Professor Dr. Murtadha Al-Musafer.