Research titles (COVID19) submitted to the Scientific Committee of Basrah Health Directorate for approval


Research titles (COVID19) submitted to the Scientific Committee


Demographic, clinical and radiological features of patients with COVID 19 infection in Basrah hospital during pandemic times.

 Alaa khattar Mousa, Moustafa Younis Hoshi, Taleb Kdhem Akar, Ali Rahem Hashim, Ahmexd Kasem, Alfarazdek Enmad Omran

Department of Medicine


A health care workers in pandemic COVID19, does personal protective equipments sufficient in protect them from the infections

 Alaa khattar Mousa, Hassan Alaa Farid, Essam Mohamed Alshawy, Ahmed Kasem, Mustafa Younis Hoshi

Department of Medicine


A clinical approach in dealing with suspected cases of COVID19 in Al-Mawanee Teaching Hospital in Basrah

Alaa khattar Mousa, Hassan Alaa Farid, Essam Mohamed Alshawy, Ahmed Kasem

Department of Medicine

Neurological manifestations of COVI19 in the affected patients in Basrah teaching Hospital

Ali Raheem Hashim, Mazin Mohamed Alowath Ali

Department of Medicine


COVID19 and diabetes mellitus a bidirectional adverse effect

Haider Ayad Alidrisi

Department of Medicine


Changes of medical education pathways and medical students reflections


Department of Medicine


Using of telemedicine for the care of patients during the time of COVID19 pandemic: a survey of medical professionals in Iraq


Department of Medicine


Psychiatric morbidity among patients with COVID19 in Basrah

Aqeel Alsabagh

Department of Medicine


Predictors of cure in hospital patients with COVID19 in Basrah city

Talib Kadhim Akar

Department of Medicine


Colchicine therapy as an add on treatment in patients with COVID19 infection, impact on morbidity and mortality

Abdulamir Abdulbari Abdulhamid

Department of Medicine


A study of COVID19 in patients with CKD(chronic kidney disease)/ESRD(end-staged renal disease)

Hayder Aledan

Department of Medicine


Acute kidney injury in COVID-19 patients

 Hayder Aledan

Department of Medicine


Endothelial involvement in COVID-19 patients

Hayder Aledan

Department of Medicine


Unusual presentation in patients infected by COVID-29 virus in Al-Muwani teaching hospital

Ahmed Aubed Sherhan

Department  of Medicine


A novel method in convalescent plasma treatment for COVID-19 patients in Basrah, Iraq

Rafid  A.Abood

Department of Medine


Study of hematological parameters changes in patients with COVID-19 patients in Basrah governorate

Assad Abdul Ameer

Department of Medicne


Skin manifestations in COVID-19 patients

Zahra M.Jassim

Department of Medicine


BCG scar size among COVID19 patients and their past medical and drug history

Jawad K. Hassan

Department of Pharmacology


Study of the performance of Covid-19 test kits using measures of uncertainties

Nazar S Hadad

Department of Biochemistry


Epidemiological features of COVID-19 epidemic in Basrah-southern Iraq

Omran S Habib

Department of Community Medicine


Variation and similarities in the time trend of COVID-19 pandemic in selected EMRO countries

Omran S Habib

Department of Community Medicine


The dynamics of COVID-19 epidemic curve in Iraq

Omran S Habib

Department of Community Medicine


A symptomatic COVID-19 infection in the prevalence of community with a limited outbreak

Department of Microbiology


DNA-based vaccine for a novel COVID-19

Department of Microbiology


Co-infection of COVID-19 patients with other respiratory pathogens

Department of Microbiology


Which is more accurate for sampling in detection of COVID-19an oropharyngeal or nasopharyngeal swab

Department of Microbiology


The association between Vit.A and IgA plasma levels among patients with SARS COV-2 infection

Department of Microbiology


Creation and recovery of a novel transport media for transport and reserve of COVID-19 samples

Department of Microbiology


Preparation of trizol and reagents used  for manual viral RNA extraction

Department of Microbiology


Preparation of a new rapid diagnostic kit for diagnosis of patients with COVID-19

Department of Microbiology


Maternal and perinatal outcomes of pandemic influenza COVID-19 in preganancy in Basrah

  Ula Hussain Radhi  (Maysoon Sharief)

Department of Gynaecology


Effect of melatonin on some bone mineralization biomarkers for overweight or obese peri-menapause women, possible role in osteoporosis treatment

Hiba dawood and Mysara Mohamed

 Department of Gynaecology


Ac comparison of tramadol and pethidine analgesia on the duration of labour and pregnancy outcome

Ola Shaban Ramadan and Waaam Faik Madfooth

Department of Gynaecology


Feto-maternal outcomes of 54 cases of obstetric emergency hysterectomy in basrah maternity hospitals

Noor Abdul Rasool and Muhsin Al-Saback

Department of Gynaecology

Plasma homocysteine concentration in parturient women with preeclampsia in comparison ik Mahfoothwith those who carries normal pregnancy

Faeza Abid and Muhsin Al-Sabak

 Department of Gynaecology


A study of Vitamin D deficiency among menausal women

Weaam Faik Mahfooth

Department of Gynaecology


Maternal and plasma cell-free DNA and preeclampsia

Rua Mustafa and MYsoon Sharif

Department of Gynaecology


The association between body mass index and cervical length in pregnancy

Noor Ibrahim and Mysara Mohamed

Department of Gynaecology


Metabolic syndrome in women with PCO

Meha jameel Kadhum and Faiz Alwaeely

Department of Gynaecology


Risk factors for pregnancy induced  hypertension

Aliaa Fouzee and Methal Abdel Redha

Department of Gynaecology


Serum vitamin D level  among infertile men at Basrah city

Warkaa Marid and Ali F Al-Asadi

Department of Gynaecology

Haematological and biological difference between late and early onset preeclampsia

Shafa Abdul Kareem and Edward Zia

Department of Gynaecology


The intercyclical variation in AMH level

Safa Kefah and Ali F.Al-Asadi

Department of Gynaecology


Tramadol versus paracervical for pain relief during office hysteroscopy

Kawther Issa and Ali F.Al-Asadi

Department of Gynaecology