The Vice-dean of the University of Basrah-College of Medicine prof. Dr.Murtadha Almusafer participates in a multicenter study entitled
( Ureteral Stenting After Ureteroscopy for Stone Treatment, A Global Perspective on Indications and Outcomes )
The study is ongoing in many centers around the world including Iraq, Turkey , China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia , Iran, Taiwan, Greece, Romania, Saudi Arabia, South Africa and Kenya. The study is aiming to assess:
1. current indications of postoperative ureteral stenting after ureteroscopy for urinary
stone treatment
2. Number of patients requiring secondary interventions [N]Post-operative secondary
interventions include JJ placement, ureter splint placement, nephrostomy tube placement,
reURS, clot removal
3. Number of patients requiring pain medication at discharge [N]Pain deÕned as that requiring
additional therapy or pain medication, or prolonged hospital stay due to pain. [Time Frame:
12 months]
3. Duration of the actual internal drain indwelling time [days]This number is auto-calculated
based from the date of surgery, and date of stent removal or post-operative visit (if no stent
was used) [Time Frame: 12 months]
4. Duration of the internal drain indwelling time as indicated by the surgeon [days]Calculated
as number of days. [Time Frame: 12 months]
5. % of patients who required anaesthesia for stent removal [Yes/No]This intraoperative
information will be provided by surgeon to indicate whether anesthesia was required during
stent removal. Data to be reported as % of total patients. [Time Frame: 12 months]
6. Incidence of use of Öexible instruments for stent removal following ureteroscopy. As
indicated by treating surgeon.