Final electronic exams start at the College of Medicine, University of Basrah

Under the patronage of the respected Minister of Higher Education and under the supervision of the esteemed President of Basrah University and the direct supervision of the dean of the respected Medical College, and with continuous follow-up by the respected scientific assistant, the electronic final exams at the College of Medicine of Basra University began on Sunday 26 / 7 / 2020, where the Deanship of the College of Medicine mocked all Its efforts to make this experience success by preparing well for the exams, including holding workshops and conducting experimental tests for students, and the presence of the Deanship of the College of Medicine, members of the examination committee, and the staff of the Information Technology Unit in the electronic exam administration room in the college during the conduct of the exams, and the deanship communicates directly with students who face problems entering the exam Electronic. These efforts come to cross our students to safety in these exams in light of the difficulties they face from power cuts and poor internet service.