The President of the University of Basra, Prof. Dr. Saad Shaheen Hammadi, opened the multi-purpose sports halls in the college of Medicine in the presence of the Governor of Basrah, honourable Asaad Al-Eidani, and a number of members of the parliament and official figures.
The university president said that the opening of these halls reflects the university's belief in the importance of sports in enhancing the psychological and physical balance of students and the university's commitment to providing a healthy and stimulating environment that contributes to enhancing the sustainability of public health and the well-being of students. Gyms are a place of communication and social interaction between students that enables them to meet new colleagues and make friends based on common interests in the sports field.
Noting that the establishment of this edifice came with joint efforts between the government of Basra and the university and that it will be available and open to all students of Basra University.
On the other hand, the mayor of Basra, Mr. Asaad Al-Eidani, explained that the governorate is keen to be the first supporter of the university, indicating that the governorate instructed its engineering department to coordinate with the advisory office of the university to support everything needed by the college of Medicine in particular and the university in general from the establishment of new classrooms.
The Dean of the college of Medicine, professor Murtadha Mohammed Saleh Al-Musafer, confirmed that the opening of sports halls aims to provide a suitable environment for the exercise and physical activity of students, explaining that these halls are equipped with the latest technologies and various sports facilities and are an ideal place to carry out various sports activities. Whether they are group sports, or individual sports, he added that these halls provide the optimal environment for training and competition. In addition, the new sports halls provide opportunities to organise leagues and university and local sports events, enhancing sportsmanship and cooperation among students.
The opening ceremony included reading a verso from the Holy Quran, in addition to reading Surat Al-Fatihah on the souls of the martyrs, and playing the national anthem. During the ceremony, the stages of the completion of the sports hall were presented and then a Performance presented by the Shams Basra International School.