The Paediatrics department at the College of Medicine University of Basrah, in the presence of the Dean of the college , Prof. Dr. Murtadha Mohammed Saleh Al-Musafer, in cooperation with the Basrah Health Department, organised a scientific symposium entitled:
(Guidelines of conventional ventilation in neonates)
The symposium included a theoretical and practical lecture presented by the visiting Dr. Maed Bakr Salim on the basics of the work of the ventilator and the reasons for its use in the neonatal care units. A discussion was made on how to choose the best settings for the device according to the patient's condition. Emphasising the importance of the comprehensive clinical evaluation of the patient before making any change to adjust the device settings.
The symposium recommended the need to establish additional workshops (presence or electronic) for the purpose of training doctors working in the neonatal care units on the use of the device and how to spply appropriate settings and make use from those with experience in this field.
The lecturers also recommended the need to encourage the use of the t piece resuscitation device located in the birth halls and operating halls in the resuscitation of newborn children because of its importance in saving
The life of children
They stressed the importance of providing ventilators in the lounges of premature infants, intensive care and training doctors to work on them.