The Dean of the College of Medicine receives a letter of thanks and appreciation by the Journal of Medical Case Reports


The  Dean of the College of Medicine, Prof. Dr. Murtadha Mohammed Saleh Al-Musafer, received a letter of thanks and appreciation for reviewing and evaluating one of the researches submitted for publication in one of  of Scopus magazines.

( Journal of Medical Case Reports) 

In the specialty of urology, which revolves around one of the diseases resulting from congenital abnormalities in the urinary system.

Note that this magazine belongs to Springer Nature container 

As the evaluation of such scientific research in international journals is very important to raise the academic reputation of the college and university and sheds light on them.

There are many researches in the specialty of urology that have been previously evaluated and reviewed by the dean of Basrah medical college for the purpose of giving an opinion on whether or not they are published in international journals and Scopus containers.