Common research team from University of Basrah and Basrah Health Directorate collaborated in a preprint big scientific study about COVID-19 pandemic in Basrah that will be published in British Medical Journal (BMJ) .The study included 6404 patients with COVID-19.
The research team consists of Prof. Dr. Saad Shaheen Hammadi Al-Taher the Chancellor of Basrah University, Dr Abbas K AlKanan the manager of Basrah Health Directorate , Dr. Mohammad N. Fares, Dr. Nihad Q. Mohammed, Prof. Dr. Ali Raheem Al-Jabery, Dr. Awatif A. Habeeb and prof Dr. Abbas Ali Mansour
The study aimed to assess some of the characteristics of patients with COVID-19 in Basrah for the period from March ,4th March to September ,8th 2020 where all RT-PCR positive patients during the study period were enrolled. The study found that out of 6404 patients included , male constituted 54.8%, Healthcare workers constituted 11.4% of the infected people. Of health care workers 16.1% were physicians. The peak age was 31-40 years adolescents and children younger than 20 years constituted 12.4%. those aged 61 years or more constituted 9.8% only. The case fatality rate was 3% (males 55.2% and females 44.8%) . The highest death rate was among those of age 61 years or more. No death was reported in adolescents or children. The study concluded that the situation of COVID-19 infection in Basrah is evolving like other countries.